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Our Passion for Rugs

At Shop Oriental Rugs, we are more than just an online rug store. We are passionate about the artistry and heritage behind each rug. Our collection features handcrafted rugs from around the world, each with a unique story to tell. ​
We believe that a rug is not just a decorative piece, but a reflection of the rich culture and history of the people who made it. Our team of experts carefully curates each rug to ensure that it meets our high standards of quality and authenticity.
We started our business with a simple idea - to share our love for oriental rugs with the world. 

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Our Achievements


Satisfied Customers


Handcrafted Rugs in Our Collection


Satisfaction  Guaranteed

Our Commitment to You

At Shop Oriental Rugs, we are committed to providing you with the best possible experience. We want to help you find the perfect rug that fits your style and budget. ​
Our team of experts is always here to answer your questions and guide you through the process of selecting and purchasing your rug. We believe that buying a rug should be an enjoyable and stress-free experience, and we strive to make that a reality for our customers.
We are proud to offer a wide selection of authentic oriental rugs at competitive prices. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is what sets us apart from the competition. ​
Thank you for choosing Shop Oriental Rugs - we look forward to serving you!

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